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Coding decoding

Questions: Letter Coding

1. If in a certain language, MADRAS is coded as NBESBT, how is BOMBAY coded in that code
A. CPNCBX                                                              B. CPNCBZ      
C. CPOCBZ                                                               D. CQOCBZ                                          E. None of these
Answer:  B
Explanation: Each letter in the word is moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.
2. In a certain code, MONKEY is written as XDJMNL. How is TIGER written in that code ?
A. QDFHS                                                                B. SDFHS      
C. SHFDQ                                                               D. UJHFS                                    E. None of these
Answer:   A
Explanation: The letters of the word are written in a reverse order and then each letter is moved one step backward to obtain the code.

3. If in a code language, COULD is written as BNTKC and MARGIN is written as LZQFHM, how will MOULDING be written in that code ?
A. CHMFINTK                                                         B. LNKTCHMF   
C. LNTKCHMF                                                                         D. NITKHCMF                                   E. None of these
Answer:    C
Explanation: Each letter in the word is moved one step backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.
4. In a certain code, TRIPPLE is written as SQHOOKD. How is DISPOSE written in that code ?
A. CHRONRD                                                                         B. DSOESPI    
C. ESJTPTF                                                                              D. ESOPSID                             E. None of these
Answer:    A
Explanation: Each letter in the word is moved one step backward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.
5. In a certain code, COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE written in the same code ?
A. EOJDJEFM                                                                     B. EOJDEJFM      
C. MFEJDJOE                                                                     D. MFEDJJOE      
Answer:  A
Explanation: The letters of the word are written in a reverse order and each letter, except the first and the last one, is moved one step forward, to obtain the code.
6. If FRAGRANCE is written as SBHSBODFG, how can IMPOSING be written ?
A. NQPTJHOJ                                                                          B. NQPTJOHI     
C. NQPTJOHJ                                                                          D. None of these
Answer:   C
Explanation:  Each letter in the word is moved one step forward and the first letter of the group so obtained is put at the end, to obtain the code.
7. If in a certain language, GAMBLE is coded as FBLCKF, how is FLOWER coded in that code ?
A. GKPVFQ                                                             B. EMNXDS      
C. GMPVDS                                                            D. EKNVDQ
Answer:     B
Explanation: The first , third and fifth letters are each moved one step backward ,while the second, fourth and sixth letters are each moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code.
8. If in a certain code, TEACHER is written as VGCEJGT, how would DULLARD be written in the same code ?
A. FWMNCTF                                                          B. FWNNBTE      
C. FWNNCTF                                                           D. None of these
Answer:    C
Explanation: Each letter of the word is moved two steps forward to obtain the code.

9. If in a certain language FASHION is coded as FOIHSAN, how is PROBLEM coded in that code?

A. ROBLEMP                                                             B. PELBORM      
C. PRBOELM                                                             D. RPBOELM      
Answer:     B
Explanation: The first and the last letters of the word remain as such and the remaining letters are written in a reverse order, to obtain the code.

10. If POND is coded as RSTL, how is HEAR written in that code ?

A. GHIJ                                                                     B. GHIZ      
C. JIGZ                                                                      D. JCLZ      
Answer:     C
Explanation:  The first, second, third and fourth letters of the word are respectively moved two, four, six and eight letters forward to obtain the code.

Questions: Number Coding

1. If ENGLAND is written as 1234526 and FRANCE is written as 785291, how is GREECE coded ?

A. 381171                                                             B. 381191      
C. 832252                                                              D. 835545     
Answer:      A
Explanation:   The alphabets are coded as shown:
E              N             G             L              A             D             F              R              C
1              2              3              4              5              6              7              8              9
So, G is coded as 3,
R as 8,
E as 1   and
C as 9.
Thus, GREECE is coded as 381191.
2. If in a certain language if ENTRY is coded as 12345 and STEADY is coded as 931785, then state which is the correc code for below word. ARREST

A. 744589                                                                             B. 744193     
C. 166479                                                                             D. 745194     
Answer:    B
Explanation: The alphabets are coded as shown :
E              N             T              R              Y              S              A             D
1              2              3              4              5              9              7              8
A is coded as 7,
R as 4,
E as 1,
S as 9   and
T as 3.
So, ARREST is coded as 744193.

3. If in a certain language if ENTRY is coded as 12345 and STEADY is coded as 931785, then state which is the correct code for below word. ENDEAR

A. 524519                                                                    B. 174189      
C. 128174                                                                    D. 124179     
Answer:  C
The alphabets are coded as shown:
 E             N             T              R              Y              S              A             D
1              2              3              4              5              9              7              8
E is coded as 1,
N as 2,
D as 8,
A as 7   and
R as 4.
So, ENDEAR is coded as 128174.

4. In a certain code, a number 13479 is written as AQFJL and 5268 is written as DMPN. How is 396824 wriitten in that code ?

A. QLPNKJ                                                               B. QLPNMF      
C. QLPMNF                                                             D. QLPNDF      
Answer:   B
In the given codes, the numbers are coded as shown :
 1             3              4              7              9              5              2              6              8
A             Q             F              J               L              D             M            P              N
i.e., 3 as Q,
9 as L,
6 as P,
8 as N,
2 as M  and
4 as F.
So, 396824 is coded as QLPNMF.

5. In as a certain code, 15789 is written as EGKPT and 2346 is written ALUR. How is 23549 written in that code ?

A. ALEUT                                                                B. ALGTU      
C. ALGUT                                                                D. ALGRT     
Answer:      C
In the given codes, the numbers are coded as shown:
1              5              7              8              9              2              3              4              6
E              G             K              P              T              A             L              U             R
i.e., 2 as A,
3 as L,
5 as G,
4 as U   and
9 as T.
So, 23549 is coded as ALGUT.

6. If in a certain language if ENTRY is coded as 12345 and STEADY is coded as 931785, then state which is the correct code for below word. SEDATE

A. 918731                                                                             B. 954185      
C. 814195                                                                              D. 614781     
Answer:      A
The alphabets are coded as shown :
 E             N             T              R              Y              S              A             D
1              2              3              4              5              9              7              8
S is coded as 9,
E as 1,
D as 8,
A as 7   and
T as 3.
So, SEDATE is coded as 918731

7. If in a certain language if ENTRY is coded as 12345 and STEADY is coded as 931785, then state which is the correct code for below word. NEATNESS

A. 25196577       B. 21732199       C. 21362199       D. 21823698     
Answer:      B
The alphabets are soded as shown :
 E             N             T              R              Y              S              A             D
1              2              3              4              5              9              7              8
N is coded as 2,
E as 1,
A as 7,
T as 3   and
S as 9.
So, NEATNESS is coded as 21732199

8. The number in each question below is to be codified in the following code:
Digit        7              2              1              5              3              9              8              6              4
Letter     W            L              M            S              I               N             D             J               B
->  184632

A. MDJBSI                                              B. MDJBIL      
C. MDJBWL                                            D. MDBJIL      
Answer:      D
As given, 1 is coded as M,
8 as D,
4 as B,
6 as J,
3 as I   and
2 as L.
So, 184632 is coded as MDBJIL.

9. The number in each question below is to be codified in the following code:
Digit        7              2              1              5              3              9              8              6              4
Letter     W            L              M            S              I               N             D             J               B
->  879341

A. DWNIBS                                                             B. DWNBIM      
C. DWNIBM                                                           D. NDWBIM     
Answer:      C
As given, 8 is coded as D,
7 as W,
9 as N,
3 as I,
4 as B   and
1 as M.
So, 879341 is coded as DWNIBM.

10. The number in each question below is to be codified in the following code:
Digit        7              2              1              5              3              9              8              6              4
Letter     W            L              M            S              I               N             D             J               B
->  64928

A. JBNLD                                                 B. JBLND      
C. BJNLD                                                  D. DBNLS      
Answer:      A
As given, 6 is coded as J,
4 as B,
9 as N,
2 as L    and
8 as D.
So, 64928 is coded as JBNLD.

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